Sean Borg January 01, 2019 #programming #web #3d-printGoal
Have an easy way to covert GeoJSON to STL
I wanted to print out a cool map
Working tool
Bellow these headings :D I do love that with a nice web JS tool I can just embed it :D
Current state
It works, not very fancy, your millage may very I don't ever see me updatin this any further
The tool
Please select a GeoJson file from your pc, then select the value you would like to use for height and what to group the files by (group shall add the files into folders with the group name) then click Generate STL.
Please note this is a very early version, there is no loading spinner to signify it is working, it takes a few seconds to start downloading when I run it, no error messages are displayed either. Also you will be downloading a zip file I found that chrome will say it is harmful, you can just click the arrow and tell chrome to keep the file.
Other than the initial loading of this page and 2 javascript packages jszip and FileSaver, no network is required to convert the STL files and I don't send back any data to the server.
You can let me know something went wrong on the contact me page, or on github at GeoJsonToSTL, feel free to submit issues or pull requests.
Number of features in GeoJson: N/A